The Korean language AP adoption has continued to be set aside by the College Board. Chinese and Japanese AP were adopted 15 years ago. Korean culture is widely present in the USA as a form of art, drama, music (K-Pop), cinema. Furthermore, most of the American households have one or more Korean products from companies such as Samsung, Kia, Hyundai, LG, etc. In the absence of SAT II Korean, it is time to establish AP Korean. Foundation for Korean Language and Culture in the USA (FKLAC) which was responsible for adoption of SAT II Korean requests participation from Korean Americans, friends of Korean Americans in the petition drive to establish AP Korean. We, FKLAC have several partners in this journey including Korean Language Foundation based in NY, NAKS, KISC, KOSAA, Korean Federation of Los Angeles, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Los Angeles, KECLA and elected Korean American representatives in the US government. Let us go forward with this petition drive which will enable us to reach to establish AP Korean.